Welcome to the 2023-2024 School Year!

To the new students just entering Foga Road High School, your educational journey into high school begins here. With a firm resolve to succeed honestly, focus on being diligent, and disciplined in all aspects of your life. Create the behavioural wealth bank of being R.I.CH.! that is: Respectful, Industrious, Courteous and Honest.

For those students returning to continue their educational pursuit, remember that on hard work will ensure that you succeed and do well in your studies. A good beginning will give you a good ending.

Parents / Guardians, your role at this stage is even more critical. Help and teach your child to be purposeful as a student, responsible, always prepared for school, punctual and mindful and caring of others.

It is the continued expectation that you and your child will demonstrate the qualities of hard work, courtesy, punctuality, self-discipline as well as care of the school property, and their environment.

You can guarantee their success! Make the necessary provisions for the learning resources they need for SBAs, class and other practical sessions. Encourage a spirit of excellence. Get them to become involved in extra -curricular activities as well as to volunteer and participate in community service.

Build strong positive social and spiritual values, that when they are old they will not depart from it." Work with them to demonstrate that they care, remembering that you should: "Train up a child in the way he should go,'. Encourage them to excel wherever they are schooled. Success at this stage of their educational pursuits is the sure delight that you both will reap! Remember, " Silver and gold will vanish away, but a good education will never decay!"

Best Wishes!!